
Monday, May 2, 2011

Today’s thankful: I didn’t have to chaperone a zoo field trip for kindergarten

I dropped Youngest off this morning for an all-day field trip to the Indianapolis Zoo. It shames me a little to admit that I dragged my feet turning in the permission/volunteer form, but I am so glad that I did. See, the thing I have learned about the early grades is that most of the parents are gung ho to help, so there are always plenty of volunteers. By the time the kids hit fifth grade or so, that enthusiasm drops dramatically and then you see the same 15 parents doing all of the work for every event.
Anyway, it is no secret that I don’t really like small children. I love my own, and I like clean, smart, well-behaved children, but they tend to be few and far between. So when the opportunity arose to chaperone a kindergarten trip to the zoo, I didn’t want to be first in line. Thankfully, by the time I volunteered, there were plenty of people in line ahead of me.
So today’s thankful is that I didn’t have to go to the zoo as a chaperone of five-year-old children. I am rationalizing my actions by reminding myself that in a few years I will be on duty for all of the trips and parties because there won’t be anyone else available – except 14 of my new best friends.

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