The first time it happened, I just stood there wondering if he was having a stroke until he explained that peacocks are beautiful when they spread their feathers, but most people have never seen what a peacock's rear end looks like when they make their fabulous display. Imagine how stunned I was that a) my dad was RIGHT about something and b) the back of my hair looked terrible!
I fixed my peacock's ass that day, and every day since. My children have been taught to check their own peacock's ass because, you know, great wisdom must be shared. Due to something that happened at work today, I feel it is time to let the guys in on the big secret.
I was walking down the hall behind a male colleague, and noticed that his hair made him resemble a Royal penguin.

I have no idea what the front looked like, but we warned. Guys need to check their peacock's asses too.
Laughing really hard right now!!!