
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

When life hands you . . . oranges?

I have been using Imperfect Produce for a few months, and I really am a fan. The only real problem, and it is more a failing of mine than theirs, is that I forget to log in each week and customize my selection.

These lapses in my memory caused me to have quite a few pieces of citrus that were near the edge of *whipping sound a la HIMYM* Not Good Enough! They were oranges, I think, but honestly am not sure about a few of them. What is that thing in the lower left with a line up it like a peach?! It looked citrusy on the inside, so I used it.
This little mess (as my grandma would have said) of oranges yielded a little less than two cups of juice, which I saved for evening relaxing time and turned into a delicious beverage with the help of a shot of whipped cream flavored vodka.
It was beautiful AND tasty!

On a related note, did you know that blood oranges stain your fingers a dark kind of purple color? I am thinking I may have to experiment with dying wool with blood oranges.