Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Today’s thankful: Baby girl made the bed
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Today’s thankful: Daddy brought the bling
Youngest has been bugging me since last week to take her to Bath & Body Works to get a little holder to hang the sample size hand sanitizer off her backpack. Apparently, these holders with hand sanitizer are all the rage among the first grade set. My intention was to eventually get over there and buy her one, but an opportunity arose today for Spouse to take over that task. Youngest didn’t want to go to lunch with him over by the B&BW store, but she asked him to bring her back the holder and a new hand sanitizer. Oh, my gosh, did he outdo himself. They had plain holders for a buck, but he went all out for the three dollar one. It is hot pink with pink rhinestones all over it. Daddy brought the bling and baby girl was SO pleased.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Today’s thankful: Eldest is old enough to run errands
I have been canning corn all day. I am about ten quarts away from having enough to last us until next growing season. That corn will come off the cob and into my jars tomorrow. Since I have been doing pretty much nothing but corn today, it has also been a jammie day. When I realized I didn’t have enough jars to finish, I made an offer Eldest didn’t refuse and she picked up my jars for me. Yay! My thankful for today could have been the fact that I am almost done putting up corn, or that I had a day free from other obligations so I could do it. But the little thankful that is top of my list tonight is that Eldest is old enough and loves me enough to run an unentertaining errand for me. Any day that doesn’t require me to doff my jammies is a good day.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Today’s thankful: I’m not ready for the senior discount at Denny’s
Middlest is in a marching band. Every Thursday the parents are invited to go to the last 15 minutes of practice where we are treated to a complete run through of the show to the point it is finished. I asked my dad if he wanted to attend one this year and he said yes. When I called him today at lunch to make certain he still wanted to come, our conversation went like this:
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Today’s thankful: I didn’t have to wear the butt crack pants
This morning Youngest came running into my room, obviously upset. She exclaimed, “I can’t wear these pants! They give me butt crack!” I asked what she meant, and she informed me that if she didn’t hike up her pants before sitting down, she looked a lot like a plumber. She said she couldn’t wear them. I reminded her that these were the very pants that were “perfect” at Justice a few weeks ago. That little tidbit of information shut her up and she wore the butt crack pants to school.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Today’s thankful: I don’t live in a gym
Monday, August 22, 2011
Today’s thankful: It wasn’t my kid who flipped shit in class
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Today’s thankful: It isn’t on her face
Ever since Eldest turned 18, I have been begging her not to get a tattoo where mommy can see it. She took her birthday money from my sister and buy herself a tiny tattoo right after she turned 18, but it is in a place most people will never see. So this weekend when she told me she would be home later than usual because she was attending a tattoo party with one of her friends, I was pretty sure there would be a new one on my baby. I wasn’t wrong, but at least it isn’t on her face. Also, it isn’t the gigantic octopus on her shoulder she has been talking about for a while. It is a bee on her ribcage. Oddly, I am not terribly upset about this one for a few reasons. First, and most importantly, it can be covered up and I don’t have to see it. Second, it isn’t an octopus, and finally, it is a bee, and we have some good bee memories.
When Eldest was 16, she drove a paper route. The route took her out into the countryside. Middlest or I often went with her. It is fun to fling newspapers out of a moving car window. Anyway, on one of my trips with her, we went and got ice cream in the middle of the route. When we were back out on the route, I took a drink of my soda and felt something fuzzy in my mouth. It freaked me straight out, to the point I couldn’t think. I opened my mouth and dropped soda and a bee on my cell phone. The bee was swimming/flopping around in the soda and Eldest laughed. A lot. The fact that there was an open window to my left didn’t occur to me.
Another time, Middlest was running her route with her when a bee flew into the open window and landed in Middlest’s lap. She started freaking out and trying to climb into Eldest’s lap while the car was moving. They still laugh hysterically every time they talk about it.
So the fact that Eldest got a tattoo doesn’t upset me as badly as it could have. At least it has some happy memories attached to it – and it isn’t on her face.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Today’s thankful: I didn’t slit my wrists
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Today's thankful: Middlest is making grown up decisions
Monday, August 15, 2011
Today’s thankful: Youngest did not look like a snot rag this morning
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Today’s thankful: The brainwashing is working
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Today’s thankful: I survived
I have been working mostly from home for six years. I had to go back into the office full time last Wednesday. It isn’t as bad as it could be, given that my wonderful boss lets me take Youngest to school before I go in. But, given that I hadn’t worn shoes for more than about four hours at a stretch for six years, it was awfully hard keeping my shoes on all day. I was also a little concerned with the whole not being home all day and still managing to find time to cook from scratch and stay on top of the laundry. With the Flylady’s routines in place, my transition back into the outside the home workforce was relatively smooth. I managed to pack nutritious lunches for myself and Youngest and prepare home-cooked from scratch meals for my family. I know it was only three days, and next week will be the real test, but for my first three days back, I survived it. For that, I am thankful.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Today's thankful: Eldest called me
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Today’s thankful: Youngest’s occasional knowledge gaps
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Today’s thankful: I didn’t get arrested
Yesterday I took my three girls to Holiday World and Splashin’ Safari in Santa Clause, IN for our annual before school starts day trip. I started taking Eldest and Middlest after the divorce and it has become our special annual girl day. We have taken friends with us in the past, but the last several years have been just me and my girls. Youngest has been part of our tradition for about four years. Yesterday we were standing at the top of Watubi awaiting our turn in the giant round raft. There were two rafts of people in front of us, when the big girls started to giggle. The reason? Youngest had gotten so nervous she peed on the stairs. I was so proud. We had a talk about how it is wrong to pee on the stairs and that she should never, ever do it again, even though the sisters laughed.
Fast forward several hours. We had talked Youngest into riding Bakuli, which is a large tube which empties into kind of like a toilet bowl and spins you down the drain in the middle. She did NOT want to go on it, but with a lot of encouragement (in the form of a new Now That’s What I Call Music 39 CD), she relented. As often happens when we stand in line for an extended period of time, we started chatting with the people behind us.
When we got to the last flight of stairs, the big girls started laughing. I looked down at Youngest to find her standing in another puddle of pee. About that time the line moved, and we went up a few steps. I was horrified and we were all laughing silently, shoulders shaking, when the guy behind us said, “Hey, why did you quit talking to us?” Then he laughed really hard. I turned around, face red, tears streaming and apologized through my laughter. It is really hard to sound sincere when you are laughing almost too hard to speak. Fortunately, they were all really good natured about it. Youngest got a stern talking to which included promise of a punishment should she do it again. I am so glad I didn’t get arrested for my kid urinating in a very public place.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Today’s thankful: Spouse’s powers of observation
Last night Spouse and I were watching Big Brother when he exclaimed, “That’s who Rachel looks like! Boy George!” Then he started singing do you really want to hurt me? I almost died laughing. Google images of Boy George. It is amazing we didn’t see the similarity sooner.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Today’s thankful: We didn’t have to walk home with a bike
Today while I was in the office, Middlest took care of Youngest. They decided to ride their bikes (Youngest still on tiny bike with training wheels) through the next neighborhood to the elementary school’s playground. When Middlest texted me asking for permission, I almost told her I thought it was a little bit too far for Tiny Person. I didn’t want her to think I don’t trust her to be in charge, so I kept my thought to myself. I won’t make that particular mistake again. About an hour after granting permission, I got a call from Middlest asking me to come to the playground and get them. Tiny couldn’t pedal any more. So on the way home from work I stopped by the playground and picked up one tiny bike, one tiny girl, and followed a beautiful teenager home on her bike because it wouldn’t fit in my car. At least the tiny bike did and I didn’t have to go over there and walk her bike home.