I grew up in a home with a mother who volunteered for all of our activities. She was always the room mother at school and our Girl Scout leader. She sewed costumes for the marching band and always showed up when a call came out for parental assistance. By her example, I am that kind of mom. Yesterday I worked at a drumline event at Middlest’s high school. Hosting this event is a fundraiser for the marching band, so I signed up. This is where the thankful comes in. I am thankful that my mom showed me the value of volunteering for my children’s activities. Because I put myself out there yesterday, I met a very nice band mommy whom I hadn’t previously had the pleasure of meeting. We passed a very enjoyable four-hour shift chatting, working and supporting our kids. As a bonus, Middlest also signed up to work a shift (away from me, of course). Dare I hope she is following in my volunteer footsteps?
I was right there with you! In the hospitality room washing dishes and servin' up food. I get a lot back and I have met some really great people!