You might think since Mother’s Day was yesterday and I had a wonderful day with my daughters that my reason for being thankful I am not a dude is because I am a mom. You would be wrong. The reason today for my thankfulness at not being a guy is the movie “Jackass 3-D” which I viewed yesterday at the insistence of Eldest. Now, I will not deny laughing so hard I cried at both the original and second Jackass movies, but I didn’t really want to see the third one. It had a few make me laugh moments, but for the most part, the original jackasses have gotten older and now have hired younger idiot guys to do the really painful stuff. I commend the original guys on stepping into adulthood. It had to happen eventually, but it isn’t as fun to watch boys who are not besties do stupid guy stuff.
As I revisited the movie in my mind, it occurred to me that, while I thoroughly enjoy watching guys do stupid guy stuff, I am so glad that I am not a guy. I think it is due to my double X chromosomal makeup that I have never willingly eaten anything that would make me puke. I also have never performed an act knowing that the end result would be my possibly excruciating pain. So today’s thankful is that I enjoy watching them, but am so very glad I am not a dude.
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